“Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
Source: World Commission on the Environment and Development
“The Earth lost nearly 1/3 of all biological wealth and natural resources in just over 1/4 of a century, and at the current rate, humanity will need 3 planets by 2030 to maintain its way of life.”
Source: World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
The accumulated impact on the design, construction and operation of buildings has profound implications for human health, the environment and the economy.
Buildings are responsible for much of the planet’s natural resource consumption and are also responsible for 1/3 of all solid waste generation (garbage and debris).
Source: USGBC

According to studies conducted in the United States on environmental impacts, buildings now account for.
Sources: Energy Information Administration and World Watch Institute
- 14% of drinking water consumption;
- 30% of the waste volume;
- 38% of CO² emissions;
- 55% consumption of virgin wood;
- 25% of the landfill debris;
- 40% of the consumption of the raw material produced;
- 24-50% of the energy consumption and 72% of the consumption of electricity.

Green Building is a high-performance building. It saves energy, uses less water, generates less waste and avoids waste, providing a healthier, more sustainable and comfortable environment.
Case studies demonstrate that the benefits provided in Green Buildings’ indoor settings can exceed 16% in increasing worker and student productivity and a 40% reduction in the incidence of influenza, asthma, allergy, respiratory infections, headaches and cooled.
Source: USGBC / U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Its benefits include:
- 13% less maintenance costs;
- 24 – 50% less energy consumption;
- 33 – 39% less in CO² emission;
- 30-50% less in water use,
- 50-90% less in waste generation;
- 27% of its occupants with high level of satisfaction.
Source: USGBC / General Services Administration, Public Buildings Services, 2008. Assessing Green Building Performance: A Post Occupancy Evaluation of 12 GSA Buildings.

Seven WELL Building Standard® Concepts:
Optimize and achieve indoor air quality. Strategies include removal of airborne contaminants, prevention and purification.
Optimize water quality, promoting accessibility. Strategies include the removal of contaminants through filtration, treatment and strategic placement.
Encourage good eating habits by providing healthier food choices, behavioral clues, and knowledge about nutrient quality.
Minimize disturbance of the body’s circadian rhythm. Requirements for performance: window and design. Light output and control of the appropriate lighting levels for tasks are included to improve energy, mood and productivity.
Use technologies, design and strategies to encourage physical activity. The space is designed to provide numerous opportunities for the occupant to include a fitness routine within their daily schedule.
Create a calm, distraction-free indoor environment that encourages productivity. Solutions include design standards and recommendations, such as thermal and acoustic control.
Encourage the promotion of mental and emotional health by getting regular feedback from occupants over space according to specific criteria.

BIM is a design process that involves the generation and management of information through software that integrates all the interfaces of the project.
Building Information Models (BIMs) are files that can be exchanged or accessed on the network to support a decision.
BIM Software is currently used by individuals, corporations and government agencies to plan, design, build, operate and maintain various physical infrastructures. Examples: water, sewage, electricity, gas, garbage and public communication services for roads, bridges and ports, houses, apartments, schools, shops, offices, factories, warehouses and prisons.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a new way of approaching design, in which the entire building lifecycle is considered (design/construction/operations).
Information: all information about the building and its life cycle are included;
Modeling: define and simulate the building, its delivery and operations using integrated tools.
The BIM model manages not only charts but also information, allowing the automatic generation of drawings, reports, project analysis, simulation, and facility management, allowing the project team to make the most appropriate decisions based on all information .
BIM supports distributed teams in different locations, allowing you to share tasks and information throughout the life of the building, eliminating data redundancy, reentry data, data loss, lack of communication, and more.

“Reducing the amount of energy the world wastes is the first and best step toward fighting global warming”
United Nations
“Focusing on energy efficiency will do more than protect Earth’s climate-it will make businesses and consumers richer”
Amory Lovins, Rocky Mountain Institute
“An effective monitoring system is typically the most important element of any energy management programs and will deliver the fastest payback.”
Siemens, Top 10 Energy Saving options
“Continuous monitoring and active management practices can capture 15 percent to 40 percent energy savings.”
U.S Department of Energy